Jonathan: What are we gonna do?
Me: We're going to Priscilla's birthday party tonight.
Jonathan: Priscilla already had her birthday . . . duh!
(not so stifled laughter from Dave at the computer)
Me: (trying to keep a straight face) You don't need to say "duh!" - that was a rude thing to say, honey. How about 'Mom, didn't Priscilla already have her birthday?' or something like that . . . (all the time I'm thinking, how is it that a 3 1/2 year old can use a word like that for the first time in the "correct" context without missing a beat???)
The next morning at breakfast:
Rebekah: We learned about
coches (Spanish for cars) on Barney yesterday.
Me: Oh, really - what about cars?
Rebekah: About safety and using your seatbelt.
Me: Do you remember the word for seatbelt in Spanish?
Rebekah: (silence)
Joseph: (silence)
Jonathan (after2 seconds of silence from his older siblings): "SEEN-TOO-ROAN!!!"
(which when written correctly is
cinturon - the Spanish word for seatbelt)
Yes, we had been told that our children would pick up the Spanish language, because, to be sure, kids pick up ANY language - good, bad, or indifferent. I am thankful that we have the oportunity to experience all of it alongside our kids here in this new culture.