Every year since we've been married, Dave and I have had a fake Christmas tree. Last year, in Costa Rica, it was miniature, even. This year we decided to go with a real one. We packed

the kids in the car and headed out to Wally World (not sure about the the whole copyright thing on the actual name . . .) in our summer attire to pick out a tree and ornaments to decorate it.
Interesting procedure - we choose a tree, a guy cuts a bit off the trunk, then hammers a couple of boards and a large planter "plate" to the bottom of it, and finally ties it up on the top of our SUV. Quite a process, but I'm sitting here admiring its beauty and wonderful piny smell. I have to admit, it's tough feeling the heat of the day and thinking of Christmas, but the kids had a super time putting up ornaments and setting up the nativity - we listened to Harry Connick, Jr. and Nat King Cole and took pictures of the finished product. Happy Decorating!