We recently returned from an incredible trip to Pennsylvania and Washington DC to visit family over the holidays. Immediately after returning, we left again for a Medical Outreach to Tabasco. They day we left for Tabasco was Rebekah's birthday. Consequently, we celebrated the exciting occasion of our daughter turning 9 beforehand in Erie with yummy cake and ice cream and in our nation's capital with blueberry cobbler. AND, on her birthday she got calls from family wishing her a happy birthday and sung to with guitar acompaniament after our stop for supper on the way to Tabasco. On the finally day we had ice cream at DQ and returned to our host home to celebrate with a cake - WOW! Thank you to everyone who made our daughter feel special despite our travel plans! Guess who's getting cake brought in to school tomorrow to celebrate with her classmates . . . :-)
Also enjoy this group of photos I put together of her birthday celebrations.
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