Then, today, after our daughter went to a trial ballet class, Dave informed me that her schedule would be different than we had thought and something about there-going-my-stress-free-schedule. So, ok, we assess the situation, adapt and change accordingly. Isn't that life in a nutshell? Well, not that it is easy or pain-free or exactly what we had hoped, but that we can be content despite the circumstance. I realize that my example is from the lighter side of life. There are issues that go much deeper and take much more out of us, life-altering situations. I can only pray that big or small, I learn from all of it and apply it to what is to come.
Earlier, Dave shared a quote
Now there is something to chew on.
I'm thankful today, thankful to be alive, thankful to have "life" to deal with and relationships to work on and a loving, faithful God who is "still working on me" as the song goes "to make me what He wants to be." Sometimes those kids' songs just sum things up so beautifully (He's Still Working on Me - Words and Music: Joel Hemphill).
"How loving and patient He must be. He's still working on me."
How are things "working out" with you?