Here is Jonathan eating his piece of cake as we celebrate him not sucking his thumb anymore - a very significant feat for a three year old going on four.

The very same night, while celebrating after finishing his cake, he gets cut on the back of his head, requiring a trip to the emergency room and 3 decent size stitches.
Here he is making a call to his lawyer.
If you look closely, you can see the stitches there behind his ear, along his hairline.
Today, five days later, we returned to the doctor in order to remove the stitches - no infections, no problems. This little guy is a trooper.
He has shown us how to take everything in stride. I had prayed on the way to the hospital that we were going to trust Jesus in everything. And we are. Every day, celebrating and trusting when there doesn't seem like much to celebrate.
After leaving the doctor's office tonight, we headed to a pizza place for supper (less to celebrate - more because I didn't plan on making anything to eat after we got home ;-0). I wanted to relay a cute little story about Jonathan. He had stopped eating his pizza and started asking me questions about stuff, "Mom, do you know how to make a pizza?" Then, after answering him, "Mom, do you know how to make a table?" I answered again, interested at his questions. Then a third question, "Mom, do you know how to make a chair?" To this I began, "Well, it has legs, a seat and a back," as I motioned to a chair next to me. To this he replied, "Does it have a head, too?"!!!
What a kidder! Hope you enjoyed that one as much as we did. Kids can teach us so much - everything from trusting God to sharing a good joke!
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