The heart is just a symbol and Dave said it was "serendipity." But, it made me think about something even more important than a good breakfast, and that is starting each day with love - a smile, kind words, acts of kindness, understanding, the ability to listen, not getting angry, showing patience - just a few ways to show it. Being "out of commission" these past 2 weeks, I have felt it in several ways through the diligence and attention to detail that Dave has shown as he picks up the many loose ends around the house and takes over several of the "mom" tasks. Thank you, dear hubby.
My prayer this morning is that I would allow love to flow in me through my attitude and actions, remembering not only the earthly examples of love shown to me this very day, but also keeping in the forefront the great love shown in the sacrifice of my savior, Jesus, and His promise to me of eternal life with Him.
Thanks Babe! I love you!
Makes me think of 1 Corinthians 13.
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!
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