Rebekah with her friend Allison. Her parents have been so incredible. We invaded their downstairs living area for a week before heading here to Mexico - thanks guys!
Joseph with his friend Jordan, our families know each other from way back in college- find out more about his family here.
This is Jonathan with Sarah - I think he's actually bugging her, not whispering sweet nothings :-) Our families have been friends since college days, too. Sarah's mom, Amy, let us borrow a car seat while traveling and gave me a really cool book called "The 'me' in Mommy" Thanks, God, for great friends.
What was also really cool was that my friend from high school drove up with her kids to see us during our brief stay in Erie. It was so awesome having our kids play together and getting each other caught up on our family life. What a blessing to be able to reconnect after months or years without seeing one another.
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